The Dork Ultimatum

My wife came across an invitation I made for Creighton's first teen birthday. We had mostly forgotten about it and had a good laugh seeing her in action again. I pieced it together from some random shots of her being her dorky self, and applied some Jason Bourne visual effects. She was mildly amused.  

Last Prom

For the past five years, this lovely young lady has "hired" me to shoot dances, swim meets, track meets, dance competitions, birthdays, and I forget what else.  And because her mother married me, I do it willingly and without charge.  It doesn't pay the bills, but it sure has been fulfilling in every other way-- and I'll miss it dearly.  I guess my last gig will be her graduation next Saturday. Congratulations Creighton! 

Little Humans

Are you kidding me?  Look at these two!

They did behave for me at least once...

And another one on the way for the beautiful Phillips family.

Jack at One

Jack lives in London because his dad is in the military. Jack's grandma wanted a book of him at one year old because it will be a while before she sees him again. Here is that book.